All the Others Were Practice is a movie about a queer guy, a gay guy. A homo-sexual. But he doesn’t wholly define himself as gay, or queer, or homosexual. He’s a guy. He works his job, hangs out with his friends, hopes to find love with the perfect guy.

In America, the word gay is associated with so many different people and groups that it has almost lost any concrete definition. Until about the ninteen-fifties gay meant really happy, unless you were a queer man in which case it was code for a queer man. In the sixties, the media replaced their term for a queer man, homosexual, with gay. It’s been used as a badge of honor and a term of derision to describe a vast array of people and behavior. To a lot of people today, gay just means not-cool.

Post-gay isn’t ex-gay, and it’s not meant to imply that the struggle for equality is over. Post-gay means that the characters are tired of being labeled. They’re people, and that can’t be summed up with any one word.


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